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Case Study:
Managing a Data Centre

... and how to introduce or improve barcode technology in your application

SageData is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Applications to manage equipment in a data centre

Memor10 with RFID sled

The following case study is an account of how BassetPro can be used effectivly by the team managing a data centre rollout country wide. It is presented to show how the technology can be applied effectively in a distributed cross country network.

It started slowly, with a simple enquiry for a barcode reader.
The call was from an ISP (Internet Service Provider) in Toronto. They were planning to develop a system, to track deployment and maintenance of equipment for a wide area wireless network, and associated data centres. We offered a complete solution, software, handheld computer, barcode readers, asset identification tags, installation, training and support. The project went ahead. Our client had the tool that they needed, and we provided close support to ensure that everything was running smoothly.

Some months later, we were asked to roll out the system nationally. On a very tight schedule. They explained: "We have just committed thirty seven million dollars to purchase hardware for an upgrade our network. It must be delivered and installed at hundreds of sites across Canada within three months. Today, we have no means to track this. Can your system do it? Will it give us the information we need? Can you deploy it in time? How much will it cost?"

The answers were yes, yes, yes and yes. This second system was installed and operational, to specification, to budget, to schedule. The system was growing.

Some three months after this installation, we had a call from London, England. The European operations were planning a similar upgrade, and had heard of, and been so impressed by the performance of the Canadian system, that they wanted one too. Effectively proving the success of the Canadian project.

One of our favorite quotes comes from the data centre manager for the Toronto project. As he placed an order for another, standalone Canadian system he explained this new network that I'm taking over is a real mess. They asked me to take it on because my existing system is so well organized. I said that there was only one condition for me taking on the challenge - I would only do it if I could have a system from SageData.
Some facts behind this story...

BassetPro screenshot

BassetPro is an equipment management system that uses barcode readers to ensure that data collection is easy, fast and accurate. For data centres and wide area wireless networks, each asset is identified by a label bearing a UIC (unique identification code), in barcode format. The system permits individual items to be identified and rolled up into systems. A card or hard drive can be identified within a drawer, within a rack, within a data centre, within a city. All movements and maintenance actions can be recorded easily and accurately.

Comprehensive reporting can be used for operational, financial and Quality Assurance purposes.

Personnel using the system , claimed BassetPro is the most effective tool that we have used, and the work we have completed would not have been possible without BassetPro.

For more information on this story, or to see how BassetPro can help you, please contact SageData directly.

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