q Google tag (gtag.js)

Information about barcodes, RFID, Fixed Asset Tracking, WMS, and more

SageData is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Accurate reliable management of fixed assets
Active RFID tags
Applications - BassetPro
Applications knowledge hub
Ask the expert - your questions answered
Asset management
Asset management in the cloud
Asset management using RFID
Asset tag premium (micro barcode label)
Audit physical assets inventory


Backend system emulator
2D Barcode labels
Barcode hardware (handhelds, readers, scanners and printers)
Barcode knowledge hub
Barcode labels
Barcode label color and background
Barcode labels' colors - a brief video
Barcode readers and scanners (corded, cordless and mobile)
Barcode printers
Barcode RFID software for material management applications
Barcode samples
Barcodes and barcode technology - an introduction
Barcodes - 5 things to know
Barcodes for manufacturing
Barcodes and RFID software - a short video
Barcodes and RFID software
Barcodes, RFID software - audit screen
Barcode system design
BassetPro - an introduction
BassetPro Alpha solution
BassetPro Enterprise solution
BassetPro Standard solution
BassetPro Events solution
BassetPro Food solution
BassetPro Inspections solution
BassetPro Mail solution
BassetPro Mobile solution
BassetPro Stores solution
BassetPro Warehouse management system (WMS)
BassetPro add-on user license
BassetPro maintenance and support
Bill of lading
Bill of lading use case
Bluetooth low energy for managing fixed assets


Canadian federal government, fixed asset management
Can I rent barcode hardware and inventory software?
Chemical inventory management systems
Choose 1D or 2D barcode symbology
Choose standard or long-range barcode reader
Choose the best material for a barcode label
Choose the right size barcode label
Client survey form
Consulting services - barcodes and their applications
Construction warehouse management
Contact us information


Data center equipment management
Datalogic Memor 20 - Zebra TC21 comparison
Do barcodes have to be on a white background?


Education and archives management
Electronic forms software
Electronic forms for BassetPro mobile
Electronic forms for BassetPro reporting
Electronic forms for mobile inspection
Electronic forms for inspection reporting
Equipment tracking
Equipment safety inspection - a short video


Facility management systems
File tracking with RFID
Fire equipment inspections
FiESTA - fire equipment tracking solution
Firearms inventory management - use case
Firearms inventory management - a brief video
Food safety control - use case
Frequently asked questions
Furniture assembly management
Fixed asset management
Fixed asset management in the cloud
Fixed assets, management using RFID
Fixed asset management - Canadian federal government


Government solutions - examples
Guns / firearms inventory management


Handheld computers (mobile units)
Hardware (barcode readers, scanners, printers)
Hardware repair request form
Help for the barcode labels quote request
How do I choose a handheld computer (mobile barcode reader)?
How do I choose the best barcode reader?
How do I manage a small warehouse?
How do I manage safety inspections?
How to audit physical assets inventory


How to manage controlled drugs for paramedics
How we can help you


Inbound mail tracking
Inspection systems - use case
Introduction to SageData applications
Introduction to managing fixed assets
Introduction to RFID, barcode designs
Introduction to SageData Solutions
Inventory control
Inventory count system
Inventory count / audit - a short video


Label printing
Large events management - use case
Library loan tracking with RFID, barcodes
Lifting gear maintenance certification


Maintenance management systems
Managing files with RFID
Managing fixed assets in the cloud
Managing fixed assets using RFID
Managing IT equipment
Managing land fill with RFID technology
Managing construction equipment using RFID, barcodes
Manufacturing applications for asset tracking
Manufacturing and retail use cases
Medical supplies management - use case
Medical supplies management - a brief video
Memor 30 (M30) - a brief overview
Mobile data collectors (mobile units)
Municipal housing management
Municipal housing management - a brief video


Next steps with SageData Solutions
News - SageData Solutions
NFC for asset management


Occupational Health and Safety inspection
On demand barcode labels
Our clients


Physical asset management - Canadian federal government
PPE inventory management - use case
Pre-printed barcode labels
Premium asset tag (micro-tag)
Privacy policy


Quick guide to the website
Quality policy


Rental of audit inventory system
Request a quote for barcode labels
RFID active tags
RFID in manufacturing
RFID for managing fixed assets
RFID knowledge hub
RFID limitations
RFID myths
RFID overview
RFID read range
RFID printers - writing to RFID tag
RFID tags
RFID temperature logging
RFID temperature logging (recording) video
RFID UHF passive


SageData Solutions' markets overview
SageData Solutions' products overview
Security patrol management systems
Self-diagnostic bot
Should I use 1D or 2D barcodes?
Software for a small warehouse
Snow dump site management
Spare parts management - use case
Support request form


Table of content (text)
Table of content (images)
Tracking files, archive documents with RFID, barcodes


Vehicles inventory solutions - a short video


Warehouse management system (WMS) basics
Warehouse management system (WMS)
WMS - a brief video
Weapons / firearms management
What is HACCP?
WHiPPET benefits
WHiPPET clients
WHiPPET features
We can help
Windows CE handheld upgrade
